Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chicken Ceaser Wrap =D by Valentina Rojas

Chicken ceaser wrap is very healthy.Is easy to make and can be considered a Grab and Go !

1. Lahvash

2.Romaine Lettuce

3.Ceaser Dressing

4.Asiago Cheese

5.Grilled diced Chicken Breast.


1.Lay lahvash out flat with about 2 oz of chopped romaine lettuce in the center.Squeeze about 1 oz. of ceaser dressing in a "Z" motion.

2.Sprinkle 1 oz. of asiago cheese on top of the dressing.

3.Place about 2.5 oz. of grilled, diced chicken breast on top of the cheese

4.Last but not least , you wrap like a burrito!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Field Trip #2 Design in Our Lives Reaction

High Functionality
Metro Card Vending Machine
    The metro card vending machine is without a doubt considered high functional.Is considered high functional due to the fact that in each station theres only usually one person in the booth.If you calculate how many people take the train a day , one person selling metro cards does not do us justice.This machine has the ability to provide us with the metro cards and is way more useful than an actual person selling it to us.Theres always more than one machine in each station. The larger machine accept cash, credit cards or debit; however, the small machines are for credit and debit card use only. The most important outcome of the metro card vending machine is that you have the ability to receive a receipt unlike the actual metrocard booth.
Masamichi Udagawi
"Metro Card Vending Machine"
   JetBlue interface
 One of my personal best creations is the JetBlue interface. Due to my past experience I can honestly say this comes in handy.This is considered high functional when your running late to your flight you can easily print out your plane tickets from this machine and skip the line that is usually very crowded.Also, is faster to check in this way than an actual person. Summer 2011 my family and I only had 30 minutes to check in and make it to the flight. This machine actually made it possible.
Masamichi Udagawa
"JetBlue InterFace"

Low Functionality
communication prosthesis
The communication prosthesis is considered one of the low functionality due to the fact that it has no purpose for its invention.It The rigid prosthesis covers the lips and exposes the gums , making communication easier and more explicit by forcing facial expressions.Only thing that this creation can pull off is the expression of someone outside on a windy day or something.It states that is for people who feel insecure of their appearance and social skills; however,a rigid prosthesis that covers a person's lips is going to honestly make the person look ridiculous.
Sascha Nordmeyer
"Communication Prosthesis"
Talk to Yourself Hat
The talk to yourself creation is considered one of the low functionality because it just doesnt make sense. I understand sometimes theres certain thing you should not say outloud ,thats why we have minds. The talk to yourself creation is just going to make a person look ridiculous due to the fact that is a huge antenna coming from the back of your head , all the way to the front. This is even worse than talking to yourself.
Kate Hartman
"Talk to Yourself Hat"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Art and World Events Reaction. “Field Trip 1”.

They say "what does not kill us make sus stronger", so than why do I feel so fragile?

       On September 11, I was on 155 street 8th avenue, where my elementary school was located. Even thought I was not really aware of what was happening. All I can remember is my teacher crying and screaming her lungs out because her mother was in the first tower that collapsed.What really got me frighten was the fact that my mother was working a block away from the towers. I eventually got send home;however, I did not hear anything about my mother just yet. Even thought my mother eventually arrived home. I still remain fragile because of the accident that slowly but gain its way to scar my life.The three art work that stood out to me the most that relate to September are Silent Callinal , .Lost&Found, and The Forty Part Motet.

        In the art work "Silent Callinal"by j.m on Sept 2011 , the artist used black plastic bags to express how he felt.The black plastic bags were held vertically , which represented the toweres themselves.The plastic body bags stood out to me because when i look at it , it has the abilty to bring back the emotions i had that exact time on september 11.Even thought i thought i was heal , looking at the art work made me realize that we all still have unspeakable feeklings trapped inside of us.The plastic bags were left opened, which represents the space for the body of the people that unfortunely were never found.

      The artistic model called "Lost & Found" was created by Lara Favarette.The model is a leather black suticase that has been found;however, it maintains locked.The suitcase itself is considered a symbol. It states if you see something say it, dont keep it to yourself.Since this artistic model was made after september 11 2011 ,I believe it relates to it. I strongly think that the artist message is that if someone would have said something on september 11, we could of had a chance to actually stop it.

   The Forty Part Motet was made by Janal Cardiff.the Forty Part Motet is a sound installation that has a strong connection with september 11 , 2011. An unexpected one was installed in the PS1 at the time of the attacks .This in fact makes me belive we had signs we kept ignoring. One strong example that can relate to this was the art work Micheal Richard was working at before he died at the september 11 disaster. He called it "Are You Down?". "Are You Down", is a tableau of nearly life-sized human figures falling from the sky.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Art / Bad Art

Good Art
    Good Art has the ability to bring out a different point of view from every human being.An artist main goal is to draw or create something that can be related to anyone who sees it .If an artist does not have the ability to do that , than he/she are not considered talented in my opinion. Good art has the ability to stand out. Art itself is something that lies beneath every individual's eyes.What might not be considered good art for me, will probably be good art for someone else.

 Bad Art
    On the other hand bad art is an art work with out quality.Bad art has no meaning or symbolism.Although others say that bad art is something that's fails to be recognized, I strongly believe that bad art is define by every human being's opinion. If a person relates to the art work , than of course it would be considered good art; However, if the art work does not relate to the person, than it will be considered bad art.The only "bad art" that I believe exist are unoriginal.The copies that are made from the original art work causes the original art work to be considered bad art.